
Scope of Practice of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapists, those responsible for treating injuries or disabilities of patients, have extensive knowledge in the various systems of the human body and have technoscientific hands to manipulate, assess and treat various symptoms of disability, illness and injury. Physiotherapist work is characterised by being in contact with the patient’s affected body parts. For this reason, it is essential that the physiotherapist has a thorough knowledge of the patient’s medical history, symptoms, functioning capabilities, past or present medical condition, and any other relevant information that might help him or she provide the right kind of physiotherapy. Thus, understanding the physiology and anatomy of a patient is an absolute requirement for a successful physiotherapy programme.

There are three types of physiotherapy: clinical, physiotherapy research and exercise and rehabilitation. Clinical practice is the most popular form and involves supervised clinical training and supervised clinical practice. The aims of clinical physiotherapy research include assessing the effect of physiotherapy and evaluating the physiotherapy equipment. They also carry out researches into the rehabilitation of injured persons. Exercise and rehabilitation physiotherapy involves both exercise and therapy programs supervised by qualified health professionals. They provide advice and instruction to patients suffering from diseases and disorders that affect their ability to move.

For example, a PhD in Physiotherapy was introduced in the UK in 2021 to encourage more students to enter this field. After graduating, the students undergo professional training by participating in a clinical practise or research study for at least one year. They also complete a minimum of 24 months of part-time clinical practice in a physiotherapy centre before being granted a degree. This course is aimed at preparing physical therapists for specific injuries, disorders and health conditions. Generally, PhD students have three years of specialisation in physiotherapy as well as two years of supervised practical experience.

PhD in Physiotherapy has an extended scope, and students looking to pursue their doctorate often choose to specialise in pediatric, geriatric or trauma. Physiotherapy is an extremely effective, beneficial form of complementary health care that can alleviate the suffering caused by conditions and diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system. The physiotherapy profession is constantly evolving to meet the needs of patients suffering from a variety of physical problems. With research and ongoing education, physiotherapists are able to extend their knowledge and practice to improve the quality of life of their patients.

PhD in Physiotherapy has a special scope of studies, including biomechanics, kinesiology, motor skills, and movement potential. Basically, it revolves around the study of the human body and how it functions physiologically. As such, it helps physical therapists to design an effective therapeutic program for their patients. Physiotherapists help heal patients through therapeutic techniques, including manual techniques, power resistance, and stretching exercises. Based on the discipline of physiotherapy, a PhD in Physiotherapy has a unique opportunity to participate in research and disseminate findings.

A student pursuing a PhD in Physiotherapy can choose to specialise in any of the following areas: rehabilitation of physiotherapy patients, pediatric physiotherapy, geriatric physiotherapy, exercise physiology, athletic physiotherapy or women’s physiotherapy. All these areas require different sets of skills, and hence students can specialise either in one or all of them. For instance, in pediatric physiotherapy, the students studying this discipline should have good communication skills and should be able to deal with children, adolescents and elderly people. A candidate pursuing a PhD in Physiotherapy will therefore need to decide whether he/she would like to specialise in any of these areas or join the entire course offering by a university.