
How Hiking Trails Are Created By Leslie Rubero Padilla

Hiking by Leslie Rubero

It is wonderful to get the opportunity to get out into nature and enjoy the beauty that it offers. Mix that with getting a great workout by hiking makes it even better, but many people never stop to wonder how the trails that they enjoy came to be. The reality is that they are created in a number of different ways.

Many trails got their beginnings from animals that created paths to hunt and graze. Over time these trails can be well beaten down as other animals will find them an easy way to navigate high grass and forested areas. The chances are that you have noticed trails of this nature roaming off from the beaten path, some even leaving you wondering which route you should take.

Many heritage trails got their beginnings this way. Then, after clear paths were formed natives took advantage of them. After years of using them to navigate from village to village for trading or other activities, they can become wider and void of wildlife due to the constant impact of feet on the ground. Any path that is walked on regularly will eventually form an easy path to follow.

When it comes to intentionally made trails, there are groups that work together to create and maintain them. There is a lot of work that can need to be put into making a hiking trail safe for those that put it to use. Also, due to erosion and the growth of tree roots and other obstacles, it is necessary to reevaluate trails on a regular basis to ensure that those that use them will not be injured.

Rains from just one spring can create the perfect conditions for twisting an ankle or worse. These groups get together to examine the entire trail to fix anything that is clearly at risk of causing harm. They may also make detours on the trail to avoid new problems that can’t be changed such as tree roots that present a tripping hazard. It is also best for the tree that people are not using the roots for grip or stepping on them as that can lead to the premature death of the tree.

Part of creating detours may also include putting up signs to alert hikers to the deviation from the normal trail. When it comes to placing signs there are a number of means that trail builders may obtain them. Some are so dedicated to what they do that they work together to fund the signs themselves. In other cases, they may obtain donations from their community or fundraisers. In some terrains, it is absolutely necessary for there to be signs to ensure that hikers are aware of deep drop offs or other hazardous conditions. They can also be necessary for trails that are used when there is a layer of snow as the natural trail can be rather difficult to identify.

When it comes to actually creating a completely new trail, there is a great deal of work that must be done. There are different techniques that should be applied depending on the terrain in the area, so it does also require a certain level of skill and expertise. The amount of labor that even a short trail demands are far more than the average person that enjoys them would likely imagine.

This, again, is usually done by a group of individuals that create a club to work on the trails in their area. These are trails that you can find on private property that have been negotiated by those that own the property and the group. These are the most common forms of trails that can be found.

However, there are a number of trails that are sponsored by the government. This can be either the Federal or State government. These trails are the ones that are found in National or State parks around the country. In most cases, these trails were originally created by animals and people that wandered through the land originally. Park employees then may be given the funds so that they can expand the trails to a wider width to be more accommodating to visitors.

The best trails will be modified to reduce erosion, leading to a great deal less maintenance needing to be done. The paths can be covered with rock and then pressed into the soil, which can create a more stable surface for walking. Another method is to pave the trail with concrete or asphalt. This allows the trail to be used by bikes, strollers, and people in wheelchairs. These types of trails are usually only found in parks that are maintained by government entities due to their high cost.

If you are someone that spends a good amount of time hiking locally, it is a great idea to invest in those that take care of the trails that you enjoy. This can be by joining a group, volunteering at your local state or federal park or simply by giving a donation each year. A lot of time and money can go into ensuring that you have a safe and enjoyable means in which you can enjoy the beauty that nature provides.

You can also do your part by not altering the trails in anyway as you use them. You may not have the knowledge necessary to understand why things are as they are. A long may be in a certain place to prevent a twisted ankle, even if it appears to you that it could be a tripping hazard. The best choice in this scenario is to note where on the trail you found a potential issue and notify those that are in charge of maintaining it. There may be a good reason for the obstacle after all.

There are a number of different organizations that handle creating and building trails. Knowing which applies in your area can help you to understand what you can do to help. If you enjoy hiking, there is no better reason than to support your local organization.

Read more about Leslie Rubero on her website, or connect with her using social media.